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I didn't know that pelvic organ prolapse was so serious. My wife hasn't gone to the bathroom in 3 days.…
On Do you have Pelvic Floor dysfunction? Diastasis? Or both?
When will the The Abdominal Connections 6 Step program be back in stock please
On The 6 Step Diastasis Program
I read your article and it's very informative additionally you can do some exercise for these type of diseases. share…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Woaah ! thanks for sharing such a great content, keep up it.
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Hi Thank you to everyone who contributed to writing this article. It has a lot of valuable information. I really…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
I just found out that I have an umbilical hernia, it was an incidental finding when they were doing a…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
I like your vein tips. I need to get a doctor for my mom. She is struggling with varicose veins.
On Hemorrhoids after pregnancy
Hi, every day I visit a number of blog sites but I'm very happy to read your post Thanks for…
On Back pain postpartum
I have the same problem did you get any solution pls help
On Diastasis or Hernia?
I didn't know that hemorrhoids could be treated with drinking water. I need to get a doctor to check my…
On Hemorrhoids after pregnancy