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Developed a hernia from heart bypass surgery in 2000. Doesn't look pretty but hasn't caused any problems. In 2019, I…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Does this still happen to you or did it subside? I am 30 and I have an umbilical hernia and…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
My cousin just had her first baby boy, and while we were babysitting last week she told us that she…
On Hemorrhoids after pregnancy
I was surprised when you said that pelvic floor dysfunction affects about a quarter of all females in the US.…
On Do you have Pelvic Floor dysfunction? Diastasis? Or both?
It's good to know that topical medications can provide temporary relief for hemorrhoids. I started having signs of hemorrhoids earlier…
On Hemorrhoids after pregnancy
I had bilateral inguinal hernia surgery (open; mesh) two months ago. For the first 2 weeks post-surgery, I experienced burning/stabbing…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Hello. I’m nearly 4 years postpartum. Which of the binders should I use? If measuring right, i think I have…
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Could an abdominal hernia cause heartburn and funny fluttering feelings below left rib cage
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Hello, I would like information on the abdominal connections program please. Thank you in advance!! Janet
On Diastasis or Hernia?
Information on diastisas recti was very helpful.
On Diastasis or Hernia?